Many dentists now offer Zoom whitening in their office. Ask your dentist if he or she offers it.
Zoom!, another revolutionary laser-whitening procedure became immensely popular after it's dramatic results were featured again and again on extreme makeover television shows. Because the public saw the intense whitening results, the demand for Zoom! increased significantly.
Today, Zoom! is offered in private practices across the country. A gentle bleaching gel is applied to the teeth, and your gums and lips are isolated from the rest of your mouth to avoid contact. As you lay back and relax, the specially activated light goes to work, speeding up the whitening process. In 1 hour, your teeth are, on average 5+ shades whiter.
How much does teeth bleaching cost?
Because of the wide variety of options you have when exploring teeth bleaching, you can choose to pay as little as $4.00, or as much as a $2000.00. Obviously, your results are going to vary on this spectrum,...
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What is teeth bleaching?
Different products will perform different tasks in the world of tooth whitening and bleaching. Some products simply scrape off surface stains, other penetrate deep into the enamel to bleach the discoloration....
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Different Types of Whitening
Different Types of Whitening
Brite Smile Brite Smile is offered in both private practices and in specialized spas in dozens of major cities around the country. If you're interested in the Brite Smile procedure,...
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Zoom! laser Whitening
Many dentists now offer Zoom whitening in their office. Ask your dentist if he or she offers it. Zoom!, another revolutionary laser-whitening procedure became immensely popular after...
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